
Friday, July 10, 2015

Live in the your Home, Office, Personal Space

My Decluttering and Beautifying of our Cottage Home continues...
Here's my new Reading Area in our Living Room.
Using all things that I had in the house...
just transported to this area
to beautify my area while I read.

Only books that I want to read Now are on this shelf.
Objects that I love to look at and relax and make me happy
are in this spot.

I realized that I had to create the spaces Now
so we can enjoy and be Happy in our current home

Not wait to when we buy our own home
or some other "must do" in the future occurs.

We Live in the Now
So our space our home our place
needs to Reflect this

So, that's the decluttering, the rearranging, the feng shui-ing,
the Doing ... the activity I've been doing
bit by bit
space by space
in our cottage
in our house
in the place we Live
and call
Our Home

Take a look around your home, your office, the space you hang out in.
What can you do...easily, quickly, within 30 min [set a timer]...Now?
to make it a more Enjoyable Place
for you to Live

Then, Do IT

Peace out my fellow "Live Happiness Now, Not Later" Friends...Peace out. ( :

Stacy Cheng Suzuki
Life Coach & Reiki Energy Practitioner
My website:


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