
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Summer of 2009 Lychee Bonanza in Laurie's Backyard

Bucket of Delicious Lychee

Laurie and Jimmy picking Lychee from her tree

Laurie with a branch of her bounty

Branches from the Lychee Tree

This is the Last Bucket of the 2009 Season

Lychee is One of my Favorite Fruit. When it's good, it's Very Very good. The flesh is opaque white, firm, fragrant, and JUICY!!!! I love it when it's ice cold. You can even freeze it, like grapes, and eat them frozen. Yum Yum just thinking about it.

This year, we went to our friend Laurie's house in Honolulu and helped her pick the last of her Lychee bounty. The miraculous thing about this is that this Lychee tree never bore fruit for the longest time. Last year was the first year this tree bore fruit in years. I'm glad it decided to bear fruit again bc it certainly has sweet juicy fruit.

Jimmy and Laurie used fruit pickers to "pluck" the fruit along with some branches and leaves. Later, they cut down some of the branches as the tree needed a bit of pruning.

All I can say is, I can't wait for next summer to arrive. Yum Yum for my Tum Tum. :)

NOTE: To see an OLDER POST on Lychee from 2008 with lots of pictures. Click HERE.

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