
Monday, March 17, 2008

A Sunday Afternoon in Kaimuki

This past Sunday, my hubbie and I went to visit my Silver Smithing Jewelry Instructor "C" from the Art Academy. We went to her house to check out her and her husband W's jewelry workshop. My hubbie Jimmy is interested in doing jewelry engraving. So, he wanted to see W's engraving equipment and workshop. Luckily for him, W let him try his hand at engraving. Jimmy was in heaven.

On our way home, we stopped off at a small mom & pop shaved ice shop in Kaimuki. We tried a shaved iced treat called "Mint Chocolate". It had mint chocolate chip on the bottom of the bowl. Then, it was covered with lime flavored shaved ice and topped off with mochi balls, pineapple, and azuki beans. The mochi balls were a little tough. But, it was very good and refreshing.

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