
Sunday, March 9, 2008

New member of ""

I just joined an awesome blog site called "Create-A-Day" which is comprised of other fellow Etsy artisans of various crafts. They're all awesome. Go and check it out for yourself at You can see all the terrific pieces that they've completed that day. The goal is to try to create something everyday. What a great concept! It's the creation of enigmachck of

Well, here's a brand spanking new Vintage necklace that I created yesterday. It took me awhile because I had to play with the lengths of each of the 4 different chains and then wirewrap (and re-wirewrap) pretty pale pink quartz, lovely fresh water pearls in white, rose pink, and chartreuse, and vintage blue and pink beads to the chains. But, it was a labor of love. I'm proud of this baby. I've already posted it on my Etsy shop. Just couldn't wait. Please check it out at

By the way, the necklace that I posted on February 28, 2008 (below) just sold this week! Yayyy!

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