
Monday, August 10, 2015

Making Mistakes = Living Life

Making Mistakes = Living Life
We all make "Messes"....daily...
didn't say the right thing, didn't make the "correct" choice,
ate the extra cookie, didn't choose the right route to avoid traffic...

We are Not supposed to do perfection or be "perfect".
Shit happens and then it All works out...
just the way it was Meant to.
Roll with the punches, go w/ the flow, try something new that you wouldn't have chosen yourself...
That's it and enjoy the beauty of it all.

P.S. If life was "perfect" and you did it all "perfectly",
where would the Joy, Wonder, Mystery, & Excitement
be in all of that?
Ahh...zippidity doo dah...nowhere.

Peace out fellow "hey, where's the next food fight?"...peace out.

Stacy Cheng Suzuki
Life Coach & Reiki Energy Practitioner
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