
Saturday, October 23, 2010

Our Sunrise Papaya Tree...Just Bragging

Our Very Own Tree Ripened Sunrise Papaya...Yummy!

Side View...Just to Show Off

Our Papaya Tree

Our Papayas are so Sweet and Juicy...with Greek Yogurt, Walnuts, and local Honey

This year, we finally decided to grow our own papaya trees.  We constantly eat papayas throughout the year. The seed are thrown into our backyard compost pile and these little papaya plants sprouted up.  So, we randomly planted the little seedlings and prayed for good papayas. I swear, I had to wait about a year for the seedlings to grow into tall trees. And, it seemed like MONTHS (5+) for the flowers to turn into these globes of orangey goodness. I pick them when they turn a bit of orange to avoid having to beat off the neighborhood birds. Then, they ripen to a yellow/orange in my kitchen near the window. Awwww....Delicious! Utter Heaven! Worth the wait.

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