
Thursday, July 8, 2010

From Damned to Glammed...Spray Painting New Life Into Old Stuff...Another DIY Project

Refresh, Revive, Resuscitate Your "Old" Stuff
and Give them a Second Chance at Life
by Spray Painting

Step 1: Remove Dust from Object with brush or towel
Step 2: Using Painter's Tape (bc EZ to Remove), tape up the areas you don't want to get painted.
Be kinda anal with taping...avoid taping places where you want to get painted
because when you later remove the tape,
you'll remove the paint....I know this from experience.

Step 3: Spray Paint the Object according to manufacturer's instructions on the can
I Love to use this handy dandy spray gun attachment which allows
me to spray for a longer time very easily

Here I used All White White White spray paint
and turned an
out-of-date Gold colored Mirror
into a
Shabby Chic Bright White Adorable Mirror

Step 4: Let Dry
Spray paint in WELL Ventilated the out doors...away from anything you don't want to
get "second hand" your car

Also, if spraying in yard, put down old newspapers or garbage bag
because you don't want to get bits of grass and other organic matter
sticking to your paint...and again, I know this from experience.
It sucks to have to pull off grass from wet paint!

Close-up of the paint job

I'm pretty happy with the results
And, it takes just minutes to do.

Have fun!

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