
Monday, October 20, 2008

Another Saturday at Kapiolani Community College's Farmer's Market

A shot of the different vendors...rows and rows
lots to choose from

Jimmy and I are trying to eat more greens and fruits and more organic. So, we went to our favorite Farmer's Market at Kapiolani Community College (KCC) on Saturday. Using my trusty little cell phone, I was able to capture shots from our little market expedition.

There are a lot of plant and orchid vendors
so many different varieties of orchids to choose from

I think these are called Spider Orchids
(ooops, my camera is not focussing properly)

Here's another color variety of the orchid

There's a LOT of Local fruit and vege vendors
I think we have found our favorite vendors

We bought fresh sweet Local pineapple, papayas, cantaloupe, baby bok choy, bananas, butter leaf lettuce...I can't remember everything else. The cantaloupe was supppppper sweet. I left it out for a couple more days until I could Smell the ripe cantaloupe. Ice cold and creamy...LoVed it!

Ogo (or seaweed) vendor from the local Buddhist Temple
Seaweed is very good for you to eat as it has loads of different nutrients
I bought some and made pickled sweet Ogo which Jimmy and I ate every night

Here's a shot of all the tourists and local people
sitting on the curb and eating their lunch
or just taking a breather

There's a lot of tourists that visit the market along with a LOT of locals. I swear, it's like going to an awesome fair. There's lots of stuff to look at, buy, and eat. Bring some good walking shoes b/c there's several rows of vendors and you'll be there for a minimum of 1 hour...if you know what you want already.

Jimmy carrying our 2 bags full of fruits and veges

We always bring our trusty little reusable market bags which we got from Trader Joe's and Whole Foods. That way, vendors do not have to use their plastic bags b/c we just put our finds right in our bags. Stay Green.

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